The Moon Bog
- THE MOON BOG - An acrylic painting on a 12 x 16 size illustration board. I painted this picture for a fan back in 2001. He saw my original black and white version of this scene in my art folio, "Forbidden Reality," and asked me to do a painting of it. So I did, adding a woman in the scene.
Though I prefer reading science fiction to fantasy or horror tales, I appreciate a well written story regardless of the genre. I am particular partial to stories about strange happenings in strange places, and when I began thinking of what to draw for that art folio, I thought of Manly Wade Wellman's story, "Frogfather" that I had read the night before, about a weird bog in the moonlight, and the strange things that moved in the swampwater.
After thinking about that story a bit, I came up with this moody landscape of a bog and included the ruins of a church to add human history and mystery to the ancient place. The picture is supposed to inspire you to create your own story about what happened in that eerie Bog so many ages ago, and what's happening there now.
Any good work of art should activate your mind into thinking about something, or feeling some kind of emotion. If it does not, it's value is minimal.

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